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Novell EMEA NDS Troubleshooting Information - TID2915160 (last modified 11AUG1999)
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NDS Troubleshooting Document


N O V E L L®
European Support Center
Duesseldorf Germany
Voice: + 49-211-5632-0
Fax: +49-211-5632-772/3
WWW: http://support.novell.de
EMAIL: Techsup@Novell.com

Dear Customer,

The purpose of the following questions are to collect sufficient information for an ESC engineer to effectively work on the query. This information will also be useful in helping you to solve the most common NDS issues.

This document is divided into the following sections:

     Current Issues
    - latest versions of DS related files
    - sources of additional information

    - Identify the source of the problem

    - Additional information we need to provide you with a fast and qualified solution

If you provide all requested information, during the first troubleshooting phase, it will significantly reduce the time that we need to narrow the range of possible causes and to solve your problem. Missing information might result in unnecessary delays.

If in the meantime, you have resolved the problem, we would appreciate your feedback. If we do not hear from you within 5 working days, we will assume that the problem has been solved. If more time is required, please contact the Novell European Support Center.

You may save a copy of this questionnaire and use it to submit new questions in the future; in this case you should use your PIN as reference number. Check from time to time for an update !

Please call us if you have any further questions.

Thank you for your cooperation

Your NOVELL European Support Center


Current Issues

If you are running NetWare 4.1, update all servers DS.NLM to version 5.17 and DSREPAIR 4.63. These files are included in the update DS410P.EXE. You need them for sure if you have NetWare 5 servers in the tree.

If you are using intraNetWare or NetWare 4.11 update all servers DS.NLM to version 6.03 and DSREPAIR.NLM v4.63. These updates are in DS411Q.EXE.

If you are planing to run a mixed NetWare 5 and NetWare 4 Tree update all NetWare 4.10/4.11 servers to DS 5.17/6.03. See TID 2938839 for more detailed information.

Most important TIDs about NDS:

- Server Crash ( how to remove a dead server) see TID 2908056
- Replica Ring problems (partition without a master) see TID 2932536
- Obituary Problems (error - 637) see TID 2923724
- Error - 625 TID 1202460
- NDS Rights TID 100483

All TIDs (Technical Information Database) can be found on http://support.novell.de just go into the
Knowledgebase section.

Sources of additional information:
Search Novell online Knowledgebase http://support.novell.de/
Search for updated Files, last patches - See also the Minimum Patch List on http://support.novell.de/
Search for Technical Information Documents- TIDs by key work or their ID.
(Enter only the TID ID Number for the search query, i.e. 123456 not tid123456)

LogicSource for NDS is a new document for Understanding, Identifying, & Resolving NDS issues. Please
see http://support.novell.de/logicsource/nds/ for more detailed information.
The following Novell Application Notes on NDS are available:
(Appnotes are downloadable from :http://developer.novell.com/research/appnotes.htm)
    Nov 1993: "Time Synchronization"
    Feb 1994: "Naming Standards for NDS"
    Jan 1995: "Planning an NDS tree"
    Mar 1995: "Using DSMERGE"
    Aug 1995: "Backing Up and Restoring NDS in NetWare 4"
    Aug 1995: "Troubleshooting Tips for NetWare Directory Services"
    Apr 1996: "NDS Performance" and "NDS Tree Design"
    Jun 1996: "Managing Novell Directory Services Traffic Across a WAN" Jul 1996: "A study of Novell Directory Services Performance and Benefits"
    Oct 1996: "Backing Up and Restoring NDS in NetWare 4.11"
    Oct 1996: "Maintaining NDS Information for a NetWare 4.11 Server During a Brief Shutdown or Hardware Upgrade"
    Jan 1997: "Design Rules for NDS Replica Placement"
    Feb 1997: "Using the Directory Services Trace(DSTrace) Screen"
                     Aug 1997: "Maintaining a Healthy NDS Tree: Part 1
                     Aug 1997: "Learning and Applying the Rules of NDS Security
                     Oct 1997: "Maintaining a Healthy NDS Tree: Part 2
                     May 1998: "Using DSREPAIR to Maintain the NDS Database
                     June 1998: "Using NDSMANAGER for Partition and Replica Administration
                     July 1998: "Using NDSMANAGER's Graphical Schema Manager Tool"
                     August 1998: "Troubleshooting Synchronization using NDS Manager"
                     October 1998: "Enhancements to Novell Directory Services in NetWare 5"
                     November 1998: "ZEN DS Designs for Large Sites"
                     December 1998: "Leveraging NDS in Your Environment"
                     January 1999: "Troubleshooting NDS in NetWare 5 with DSREPAIR and DSTrace"
                     January 1999: "An introduction to NDS for NT v2.0"
                     March 1999: "NDS v8: The Future of Novell Directory Services"
                     April 1999: "An Introduction to NDS for Solaris 2.0"
                     June 1999: "Managing Mixed NetWare and Solaris Networks with NDS for Solaris 2.0"



Please check TimeSync always first. All NDS operation depend on a working Time configuration and synchronization.

I. Time related issues:
Please check:
     Is the time synchronized on all servers?
            Load DSREPAIR and select "Time Synchronization"
         Are all servers in sync ?
         NO - You need to resolve this first !
        Additional Technical information related to this problem TID ID:2908867, 1202992
         If you could not solve your problem with this information, please send us the File(s) under sys:system\Timesync.cfg from each involved server.

II. Unknown Objects
Please check:
     Use NLIST.EXE to find all unknown objects: NLIST UNKNOWN /S/R
                     Or run repair local database this gives you the amount of unknown objects per partition for this server !
                                 Do you have those ?
        YES - Is the object unknown on all servers ?
                                                          YES - Delete the objects with Nwadmin or Netadmin and recreate it.
                                                           No - On the servers where the object is unknown run a dsrepair with the "-P" switch and force synchronization once dsrepair is finished. If the object was OK somewhere the unknown object will be overwritten.

III. DSREPAIR / DSTrace Errors
Please check:
     Check the DSTrace screen for errors.
     Load Dsrepair and select "Report synchronization status"
     Get the latest DSREPAIR.NLM to see if this will fix the problems.
    Run "Unattended full repair" twice and check for errors.

     Do You get Error -621 (FD93) Transactions Disabled?
        Check if TTS is enabled? Type "ENABLE TTS" on the server console.
        Additional Technical information related to this problem is in TID 2908153

     Do you see 625 (FD8F) Transport Failure ?
        Check for SAP filtering of the DS SAP types of 26B and 278. Make sure that they can RCONSOLE to the target server.
                                          Check cabling and LAN card, and the LAN driver. This error is almost ALWAYS a LAN issue!
        Additional Technical information related to this problem TID ID:1006906, 2909017

     Do you see an error -717 (FD33) or -715 (FD35) in DSTrace after applying the latest DS.NLM ?
        These errors mean:
        -715 FD35 ERR_CHECKSUM_FAILURE (Frame type dependent, user enabled)
        -717 FD33 ERR_CRC_FAILURE (always there)
        This is NOT a DS error, it signals that there is some corruption happening on the wire, and that this needs to be fixed, so check your lancards / landrivers / routers /cabling. This corruption might affect other applications.

     Do you see an error -716 (FD34) in DSTrace after applying the latest DS(>DS 501)? This error means:
                       -716 (FD34) CHECKSUM NOT SUPPORTED
        The NDS client IPX level checksumming, will require attention on the part of administrators to make sure that 802.3 does not interfere with background synchronization since it CANNOT checksum.
                    Do you see an error 608, 609, 613 or 614. This is most likely a schema problem.
                                Do a SET DSTRACE=+SYNC and then SET DSTRACE=*H to see the object
                                causing the error. If the object is a minor object (not a server) try deleting it.
                                In case of schema problems run "rebuild operational schema" in dsrepair on all
                                involved servers. (load dsrepair, adv. options, repair local database)
                   Do you see an error 602 in DSTrace or 626 in NDSMANAGER, most likely this is a replica ring
                problem. Please check TID 2932536.

IV. Obituary Problem

You can not create or delete or move objects. You can not modify partitions such creating or deleting replicas and you are getting an error - 637 "Previous Move in Progress" in NWADMIN, NETADMIN, PARTMGR or NDSMANAGER. To troubleshoot, reference TID 2923724.
If you can not resolve this we need more information goto the next section. (support)


If you have any problems and you can't solve it at you own, we need in addition to the exact error message :

(This information will help us to provide you with a fast and qualified support.)

The replica ring information from all servers which hold a replica of the partitions, you getting errors on. Do not FAX this information as it is unusable in this format !

 - On ALL NetWare 4.X/5.X servers,
        please perform the following actions on the server console:

    Select "Advanced Options menu"
    Select "Log file and login configuration"
    Select "Press <ENTER> to delete the log file", to clear the logfile.
    Exit this menu, and select "Replica and partition operations"
    Select any partition, by pressing <Enter>
    Select "Display replica information"

Gather ALL the SYS:SYSTEM\DSREPAIR.LOG files, rename them to Servername.log and zip them. Do NOT modify or edit the log files.

In addition if you get any errors on the DSTrace screen then we need:

- On the server console of ALL servers having an error in DSTrace enter:

    SET DSTRACE=ON (Turns on the DS Screen)
    SET DSTRACE=+SYNC (More details about Synchronization)
    SET TTF=ON (Turns on Trace To a File)
    SET DSTRACE=*R (Resets the log file)
    SET DSTRACE=*H (Forces an immediate Synchronization)
    <then toggle to the DS screen>
    <wait until all replicas have been listed with the message "All Processed">
    SET TTF=OFF (Turns off the Trace To a File)
                   Check the SYS:SYSTEM\DSTRACE.DBG files for errors.

If you have errors we need:
Gather the SYS:SYSTEM\DSTRACE.DBG files with errors, rename them to Servername.DBG and zip them. Do Not modify or edit the log files.

If you have an "Obituary" problem and you are getting the error -637 or the message "Previous Move in
Progress". Get the DSREPAIR.NLM v. 5.53 (or later) and: (More Info in TID 2923724).
                Load DSREPAIR -A
                Select "Advanced Options menu"
                Run "External reference check"

You need to run this on all servers having a master replica stored.
Gather ALL the SYS:SYSTEM\DSREPAIR.LOG files, rename them to Servername.obt and zip them.
(for example OBT.ZIP) Do NOT modify or edit the log files.

If you have problems with Schema sync. :

On the server console of ALL servers having Schema sync. errors enter:
    SET DSTRACE=ON (Turns on the DS Screen)
    SET DSTRACE=+SYNC (More details about Synchronization)
    SET DSTRACE=+SCHEMA (More details about Schema Sync)
                     SET TTF=ON (Turns on Trace To a File)
    SET DSTRACE=*R (Resets the log file)
    SET DSTRACE=*SSA (Forces an immediate Schema synchronization)
    <then toggle to the DS screen>
    <wait until all schema sync has been finished with the message "All Processed">
    SET TTF=OFF (Turns off the Trace To a File)
             Check the SYS:SYSTEM\DSTRACE.DBG files for errors.

                If you have errors we need:
    Gather the SYS:SYSTEM\DSTRACE.DBG files with errors, rename them to Servername.DBG and zip (i.e. schema.zip) them.
                      Do NOT modify or edit the log files.

To provide us with those information:
Send an email to Techsup@Novell.com please add your Novell reference number into the subject field.
The Techsup email account is the preferred way to send information !
You also can put them on our Internet server: ftp.novell.de - in the /support/in directory under the name <Call#>.ZIP/.EXE
You can log in as yourself, and then upload a MAIL to Novell ESC.

Please inform the ESC as soon as the files are copied to FTP or BBS.
We strongly encourage you to use the World Wide Web to check the status of existing incidents, update an open incident, or enter a new support incident.

Access the Electronic Incident pages on the Novell Support Connection (http://support.novell.de/elecinc/elecinc.htm). After entering your customer information, select the option to update your incident.

Document Title: Novell EMEA NDS Troubleshooting Information
Document ID: 2915160
Creation Date: 17OCT1996
Modified Date: 11AUG1999
Document Revision: 49
Novell Product Class: Groupware
Novell BorderManager Services
Novell eDirectory
Novell Product and Version: GroupWise
LogicSource for NDS
NetWare 3.12
NetWare 4.1
NetWare 4.11
NetWare 4.2
NetWare 5
NetWare for Small Business 4.11
Novell Clients
Novell High Availability Server for NetWare 4.2
Novell Replication Services
Z.E.N.works 1.1
intraNetWare 4.11
BorderManager 2.1 (also called 1.0)
BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3
BorderManager FastCache 3.0
Novell BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3.5
NDS Object Import/Export v2.7
NDS for NT 1.0
NDS for NT 2.0
NDS for NT 2.01


The Origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is for your information only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.

Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information.

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