count25.nlm a gif web counter

Running under NW4.11 or NW5.1 as a NES plugin
It is the Novell OS port of count 2.5 from Muhammad A Muquit
All necessary files packed in a selfextracting exe.

You only have to remove temp on the beginning of the path and copy the files/dirs as described below

1) copy data, digits, logs conf directory under your NES Webservers Counters directory
2) copy rgb.txt to sys:/Novovnyx/suitespot/counters
3) copy count25.nlm to sys:/novovnyx/suitespot/lcgi-bin
4) copy test.cnt to documents root dir (sys:/novovnyx/suitespot/docs)
5) copy test.htm to a sub dir of documents root dir (sys:/novovnyx/suitespot/docs/ssp)
6) add this 2 lines at end of mime.types file
# my special gif counter command files
type=magnus-internal/counter exts=cnt
7) add this 2 lines in obj.conf:
As last init insert:
Init fn="load-modules" shlib="sys:/Novonyx/suitespot/lcgi-bin/count25.nlm" funcs="call-counter"
As last service insert:
Service fn="call-counter" method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="magnus-internal/counter"

To test the counter restart NES.
Look if test.cnt andy.cnt and sample.dat are existing in sys:/Novonyx/suitespot/Counters/data directory.
You can test with test.htm:
call http://<domain>/ssp/test.htm.
Download count 2.5 Windows version with complete documentation count25.exe
Download count25.nlm package with an example htm countnw.exe