Program: OIMPORT Version: Freeware 1.0a Author: (c) 1999, Robert Huard, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Description: Imports any kind of objects Plateform: MS-Win32, NW4.x ( requier NWCalls from NWClient32) Mail to: [/CLASS /L ]: Specify an existing base class object [/NAMES /N ]: The names of objects to create, always from [root] [/MANDATS /M ]: It Forces SYN_CI_STRING mandatory attributes to be equal to CN or OU [/YES /Y]: Don't ask me to confirm [/HELP /H /?]: Print this help [/EXAMPLE]: Print an example. When it can be usefull ? [/EXAMPLE2]: Print an example. Understanding /MANDATS. [/HLA]: Print help about format of arguments If this program helps you in your work, if you have any comments about or you want more tools just e-mail me. I'll be glad to establish a business relationship with you. ATTENTION: I'm not responsible or answerable of any problems that you can accounter by using this program.