README FILE for FSMIRROR.NLM v2.02d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For the latest version of FSMirror, check our Novell Labs web site at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FSMirror.NLM is a NetWare Loadable Module that replicates remote file systems onto the local file system into areas designated by the user. FSMirror supports NetWare 3.12 and above, and has been tested with NetWare 3.12, NetWare 4.10, and 4.11 (áeta 523). This version supports up to 16 separate data area replications. These can be different data areas on the same remote server, or on different servers. After loading FSMirror, a screen appears with three choices: Connection Setup, Log File Options, & Time Setup. Screen Options: Connection Setup: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This area is for setting up the remote server connections and replication paths. When this option is selected, a list appears showing the remote file server connections. Press to add a server, to delete a server, to modify existing connection parameters. In the 'Connection Information' window: 'Remote Server Name' is the name of the remote server you want to replicate data from. 'User Name' and 'Password' are the login account details the NLM will use to connect to the remote server. Note: You must have at least [R]ead & [F]ile Scan rights to copy from the remote data area(s). The password is masked from the screen if you are running NWSNUT.NLM v4.02 or greater. FSMirror uses bindery based login for the User Name accounts. If you are running on a NetWare 4 server, you must be sure that the remote server has a valid bindery context for the User Name account you specify. 'Remote Path (source)' is the path of the data that you want to replicate. 'Local Path (dest)' is the area on the local server that will receive the data. These paths are NetWare paths. You should always include the volume name here to avoid ambiguity. There is no need to enter the server name in these fields. If you don't specify a volume name, the 'SYS:' volume will be assumed. Note: You may specify the same local path for more than one remote replication, but be aware that this will put data in the local area from two separate remote areas. If there are file name conflicts, the last file to be copied will be the one that remains, so be careful! The 'Login Status' area indicates if this entry is logged in to the remote server. A separate connection (i.e. login) is used for each entry, even if there is more than one entry for a given server, so be sure you have the appropriate concurrent connection rights on the remote server. The replication time trigger is suspended while you are in the 'Connection Information' window. Upon exiting this form, the trigger is re-enabled. Log File Options: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are five options under this heading: 'Log file name' contains the local path where log results will be placed. 'Max log file size' is the maximum log file size. When this size is reached, the log file is deleted, and logging then continues. If you put '0' in this field, the max size is the size of your free disk space. 'Log File Names' allows the name of each file copied to be listed in the log file. For large file systems, this can mean a very large log file over time. 'Clear log file' resets the log file. When you select 'Yes' and Save Changes, the log file is deleted. 'Disable log file' turns off file logging. Time Setup: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is where you setup when and how you want the replication to take place. 'Copy files at' option specifies when during the day or night the replication is to occur. This is a twenty-four hour clock, so, for example 10:00PM is entered as 22:00. The 'Every' field allows the user to specify when during the week the replication is to occur. Choose the day of the week from the list to choose a once-a-week replication. If you select 'Day', then the replication will occur every day at the specified time. 'Copy only changed files' toggles between copying only the files that are different from the remote data area ('Yes'), or copying the entire area regardless of changes ('No'). Selecting 'Yes' here greatly reduces network traffic, especially for large data areas. 'Overwrite Read-Only files' permits files that are flagged Read-Only to be overwritten. Other Options: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ connects the local server to each remote file server using the account information in the Connection Information' window. If there is a problem logging in to any of the remote servers, an alert box is displayed. If all remote connections are successful, the Connected - Waiting' message appears at the bottom of the screen. disconnects the local server and tears down all remote connections. If you are logged in to a remote server, and add a new server, a message is displayed that not all the servers listed are logged in. Only remote servers that are logged in will replicate. cancels the replication process. This will cancel the current replication being done, and then go back to waiting for the next time trigger. Any files that have already been copied will remain. does nothing if no replication is currently taking place. gives current version information. If the Local Path(s) that you specify do not exist, they will be created, so it is not necessary to ensure that the local directory path is there. This does not, however, apply to the directory for the log file. If the directory you specify for the log file does not exist, a message is displayed and event logging is disabled. FSMirror now saves the settings, switches, times, server names/paths, etc. upon exit. These are reloaded on startup. If the remote server goes down, you are logged out, or for any reason the connection to a remote server is lost, FSMirror will detect this, and if/when the server becomes available again, it will reconnect, and continue normally. Other issues etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One issue to be aware of is if you are running this NLM on NetWare 3, and a remote server is NetWare 4, the local attributes will not be transferred (they will default to RW). This is because the attribute format of NetWare 4 is not directly backwardly compatible to NetWare 3, and I have not done any reformatting of attributes in this version. Replicating from NetWare 3 to NetWare 4 runs with no problems. Disclaimer: This software is provided 'as is', is unsupported, and carries no warranty whatsoever. Novell disclaims and excludes any and all implied warranties of merchantability, title and fitness for a particular purpose. Novell does not warrant that the software will satisfy your requirements or that the software is without defect or error or that operation of the software will be uninterrupted. You are using the software at your risk. The software is not a product of Novell, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries. Novell Labs